To change the world is not your mission. To change yourself is not your duty. To awaken to your true nature is your opportunity.
MOOJIFocus your mind on ‘I Am’, which is pure and simple being. You are Here and Now only. Contemplate what it is to be fully ‘Here’ and fully ‘Now’. For this you must leave all else. Stay only as here-now Conscious presence. This is Heart. This is Self.
More Mooji Quotes
There is an intuitive knowing within us that we are eternal but this gets covered over with the noise we create while identifying with the impermanent.
Don’t be too quick to interpret the moment. Just keep quiet. My encouragement would always be: never think anything is against you, everything is blessing. Why should it be different? Just be quiet. Let it all work itself out.
Face your fears and stop allowing the mind to hold you captive.
Wanting something to make you happy is a sure way to be miserable.
Don’t belong to anything. Don’t belong to anyone. Just Be. Feel your Being first and foremost, and don’t compare or compete. Just Be your Being.
If you do not trust life to unfold, the mind takes over and it becomes a game of strategy, motivated by anxiety. This mistrust is unfair. Life has given us so much, and yet we do not trust it.
When you don’t want to be interesting, you are free.
It’s not what the mind says. It’s how seriously it is taken.
Attempting to understand consciousness with your mind, is like trying to illuminate the sun with a candle.
Everything is just now. Your existence is just now. Just timeless Now. All the rest is just a dream due to conditioning and memory.
Mind is there, in front of you. Don’t log in.
The ocean does not require that the waves are still to be more ocean-like.
If you are curious, you will learn. If you are desperate, you will discover.
Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go.
Freedom is to be free of attachments, and the main attachment is to the ‘I’-self.