Age brings about everything; but it is not the time, Madam, as we know, to be a prude at twenty.
MOLIERERest assured that there is nothing which wounds the heart of a noble man more deeply than the thought his honour is assailed.
More Moliere Quotes
How strange it is to see with how much passion People see things only in their own fashion!
The most effective way of attacking vice is to expose it to public ridicule. People can put up with rebukes but they cannot bear being laughed at: they are prepared to be wicked but they dislike appearing ridiculous.
It is madness beyond compare To try to reform the world.
I believe that two and two are four and that four and four are eight.
I would like to be like my father and all the rest of my ancestors who never married.
There is no praise to bear the sort that you put in your pocket.
That must be fine, for I don’t understand a word.
I will not leave you until I have seen you hanged.
People can be induced to swallow anything, provided it is sufficiently seasoned with praise.
All right-minded people adore it; and anyone who is able to live without it is unworthy to draw breathe
Wives rarely fuss about their beauty To guarantee their mate’s affection.
In clothes as well as speech, the man of sense Will shun all these extremes that give offense, Dress unaffectedly, and, without haste, Follow the changes in the current taste.
He who follows his lessons tastes a profound peace, and looks upon everybody as a bunch of manure.
You only die once, but you will be dead for a very long time.
People don’t mind being mean; but they never want to be ridiculous.