It is a fine seasoning for joy to think of those we love.
MOLIEREI will maintain it before the whole world.
More Moliere Quotes
Cover that bosom that I must not see: souls are wounded by such things.
The defects of human nature afford us opportunities of exercising our philosophy, the best employment of our virtues. If all men were righteous, all hearts true and frank and loyal, what use would our virtues be?
unbroken happiness is a bore: it should have ups and downs.
Sometimes I feel something akin to rage At the corrupted morals of this age!
The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them; it is by excusing nothing that pure love shows itself.
All the ills of mankind, all the tragic misfortunes that fill the history books, all the political blunders, all the failures of the great leaders have arisen merely from a lack of skill at dancing.
Long is the road from conception to completion.
To inspire love is a woman’s greatest ambition, believe me. It’s the one thing woman care about and there’s no woman so proud that she does not rejoice at heart in her conquests.
I believe that two and two are four and that four and four are eight.
The duty of comedy is to correct men by amusing them.
One cannot but mistrust a prospect of felicity: one must enjoy it before one can believe in it.
Its as if you think you’d never find Reason and the Sacred intertwined.
It’s an odd job, making decent people laugh.
The genuine Amphitryon is the Amphitryon with whom we dine.
All right-minded people adore it; and anyone who is able to live without it is unworthy to draw breathe