It is madness beyond compare To try to reform the world.
MOLIERENo one is safe from slander. The best way is to pay no attention to it, but live in innocence and let the world talk.
More Moliere Quotes
Beauty without intelligence is like a hook without bait.
Men often marry in hasty recklessness and repent afterward all their lives.
No reason makes it right To shun accepted ways from stubborn spite; And we may better join the foolish crowd Than cling to wisdom, lonely though unbowed.
I believe that two and two are four and that four and four are eight.
The only people who can be excused for letting a bad book loose on the world are the poor devils who have to write for a living.
To find yourself jilted is a blow to your pride. Do your best to forget it and if you don’t succeed, at least pretend to.
Ah! how annoying that the law doesn’t allow a woman to change husbands just as one does shirts.
In clothes as well as speech, the man of sense Will shun all these extremes that give offense, Dress unaffectedly, and, without haste, Follow the changes in the current taste.
As the purpose of comedy is to correct the vices of men, I see no reason why anyone should be exempt.
Stay awhile that we may make an end the sooner.
Books and marriage go ill together.
You are a fool in four letters, my son.
It is a fine seasoning for joy to think of those we love.
He makes his cook his merit, and the world visits his dinners and not him.
They would have everybody be as blind as themselves: to them, to be clear-sighted is libertinism.