You do realize I’m a professional vocalist?
MOIRA ROSERelated Topics
Drink Alcohol
You do realize I’m a professional vocalist?
MOIRA ROSEDid I used to have a drinking problem?
MOIRA ROSEI can hardly hear you, John! The cheering and accolades are drowning out your gentle voice.”
MOIRA ROSEThe last time I felt this emotionally encumbered, I was playing Lady Macbeth on a Crystal Skies cruise ship during Shakespeare at Sea Week.
MOIRA ROSEI’m trying very hard not to connect with people right now.
MOIRA ROSEGossip is the devil’s telephone. Best to just hang up.
MOIRA ROSEOne must champion oneself and say, I am ready for this!
MOIRA ROSEYou are the life you accept for yourself.
MOIRA ROSEWe have no interest in what’s going on with you.
MOIRA ROSEWhat is the source of this falsehood? And what photo are they using?
MOIRA ROSEGod help us all.
MOIRA ROSEYou are bored, lethargic and practically dripping with ennui.
MOIRA ROSEI’m positively bedeviled with meetings et cetera.
MOIRA ROSEI have lost all my skills, and now I know how it feels to be utterly helpless like you and your sister.
MOIRA ROSEAlexis, don’t be ridiculous. That’s exactly the kind of paranoia that makes me weary of spending time with you.
MOIRA ROSENever let the bastards get you down!