I would love for Rivers Cuomo to listen to my music and see what he thinks.
MITSKII feel like I’ve always wanted to live in one place and stay in one place, but I always end up choosing things that make me travel.
More Mitski Quotes
When I started making music, I was like, ‘This is something I can believe I was meant to do.’
On tour, people know that if they ever ask me what I want to eat, I will always say Asian food. I’m becoming a stereotype, but it’s what I want to eat. I want to eat rice.
If I ever found a place where I belonged, that in itself would be an identity crisis to me.
Maybe this is a made-up belief to preserve myself, but I do believe that everyone has a purpose, and my purpose is to put out music that means something.
It’s nice to know there’s a big world with many perspectives. I tend to get so stuck in my own small world easily, and going out into the world reminds me that I’m not the center of the world – in a good way.
I’m punk, but I love gold.
I think it’s very dangerous as an artist to be comfortable.
I have my privileges, but I do feel like at every turn there is such resistance.
I have this thing about being acknowledged and accepted by institutions.
I tend to not want to do that anymore. It’s not even that I don’t like it anymore: it’s that I keep trying to find ways for people to dislike me.
Miyazaki movies were what I was raised on. I’ve watched them since I was very young, and I’ve been greatly shaped by them.
Often I’ve had problems automatically bending to a lover’s will, becoming what I know they want me to be. Immediately, I learn all the music they love, listen to it, study it, instead of being like, ‘This is what I love!’
I couldn’t wait to get out of school, but once I did, I didn’t actually know what I wanted to do with myself. I don’t really know how it happened, but I just started writing music and realized that’s what I wanted to do.
When I record, it’s this very precious and insular thing.
I discovered I was an Asian American when I arrived in the U.S. I didn’t identify as that before I came here.