I try to be regimented and try to stay healthy and work out and eat properly and go to sleep. And not get too caught up in the industry in my regular life, so I can save all my expression and energy for my art.
MITSKII feel like I’ve always wanted to live in one place and stay in one place, but I always end up choosing things that make me travel.
More Mitski Quotes
You can be heartbroken about a relationship but also, from it, realize you are you, and you’re okay with who you are or where you came from.
I took a few piano lessons as a kid, but it didn’t last; I just learned piano from doing it over and over on my own, because I didn’t have many friends, and there was always a keyboard in the house.
Whenever I’ve tried to ingratiate myself to an existing community, I tend to give too much, to become whatever it is they want me to be. It’s something I do automatically – I’ve learnt to immediately adapt.
All I want to do at karaoke is sing Mariah Carey.
I’m so smart. I am good at doing math really quickly in my head.
I was one of those girls people called ‘intense.’
I’d always been fascinated by death, which sounds so morbid. Especially being a woman trying to make music, I think there’s a sense that you’re never young enough, or your career is going to end soon.
I think it’s very dangerous as an artist to be comfortable.
I think my whole identity is formed around not knowing where I’m from. It might even be that I find comfort in that confusion.
I think growing up the way I did has made me a lot more objective, and that’s important in the process of writing and trying to look at subjective matter that way.
A lot of musicians talk about how they were into music from the start; they always wanted to be musicians. It wasn’t like that for me. I didn’t think of it as a job or a career – it was just something that was constant.
I think your ego gets in the way of making something good because it kind of blinds you from the actual art.
I could never enter that dream. That all-American white culture is something that is inherited instead of attained.
I have this thing about being acknowledged and accepted by institutions.
Being an outsider makes you a really good writer.