I would love for Rivers Cuomo to listen to my music and see what he thinks.
MITSKIWhen I go onstage and am performing the way I want to… I finally feel like myself.
More Mitski Quotes
You can never learn enough about music.
I think it’s our responsibility as artists to not only fight for our art but fight for the communities that are the reason we’re able to continue making art, especially since, in Brooklyn’s case, we as artists somehow made it ‘cool’ enough for the bigger money-making industries to start taking over.
A lot of musicians talk about how they were into music from the start; they always wanted to be musicians. It wasn’t like that for me. I didn’t think of it as a job or a career – it was just something that was constant.
I think it’s very dangerous as an artist to be comfortable.
Pop artists work really hard, and they might not work for the same things that indie artists do, but they’re still musicians, and they’re still making art.
I don’t want to be a musician’s musician. I want to be an everyone’s musician.
I think growing up the way I did has made me a lot more objective, and that’s important in the process of writing and trying to look at subjective matter that way.
I don’t think I’m alone in this: I’m obsessed with trying to not only be happy but maintain happiness, but my definition of happiness is skewed more towards ecstasy rather than contentment.
I have my privileges, but I do feel like at every turn there is such resistance.
When you’re doing something you’re not used to, you kind of realize that you’re still a kid: even though the whole world around you sees you as an adult and you’re expected to act like an adult, you still haven’t actually grown up.
People started calling me that, and I started being treated in a specific way.
Whenever I’ve tried to ingratiate myself to an existing community, I tend to give too much, to become whatever it is they want me to be. It’s something I do automatically – I’ve learnt to immediately adapt.
With solo shows, you have complete control over the set list. If you feel like you want to do something different or do a new song, you can just work it in. You can talk to the audience or not talk to the audience. There’s nothing that’s set.
I lived abroad most of my life in insular international communities.
On one hand, I think it’s very important to talk about race and talk about gender, because if it’s not talked about, then we won’t progress.