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  • Michael Hudson Quote - That’s the “magic” of double-taxation treaties: you can shop around for the lowest taxer.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - That’s the “magic” of double-taxation treaties: you can shop around for the lowest taxer.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - That’s the “magic” of double-taxation treaties: you can shop around for the lowest taxer.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - That’s the “magic” of double-taxation treaties: you can shop around for the lowest taxer.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - That’s the “magic” of double-taxation treaties: you can shop around for the lowest taxer.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - That’s the “magic” of double-taxation treaties: you can shop around for the lowest taxer.
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That’s the “magic” of double-taxation treaties: you can shop around for the lowest taxer.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - If the bank goes under, they get to keep all of these salaries and options – and the government will bail out the bank. These guys will take their money and run, which is pretty much what they’re doing now.

    If the bank goes under, they get to keep all of these salaries and options – and the government will bail out the bank. These guys will take their money and run, which is pretty much what they’re doing now.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The United States Government has fought against creation of an international court to adjudicate the ability of national economies to pay debts. Download This Image

    The United States Government has fought against creation of an international court to adjudicate the ability of national economies to pay debts.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The seeming irony is that it’s so bad that it enables the Democratic Party to think, “A-ha, all we have to do is be the lesser evil.

    The seeming irony is that it’s so bad that it enables the Democratic Party to think, “A-ha, all we have to do is be the lesser evil.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - That’s the “magic” of double-taxation treaties: you can shop around for the lowest taxer.

    That’s the “magic” of double-taxation treaties: you can shop around for the lowest taxer.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Britain is having a referendum as to whether to withdraw from the European Union, and it looks more and more like it may do so. So the world’s politics are in turmoil. Download This Image

    Britain is having a referendum as to whether to withdraw from the European Union, and it looks more and more like it may do so. So the world’s politics are in turmoil.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - People think of a parasite as simply taking money, taking blood out of a host or taking money out of the economy. But in nature it’s much more complicated.

    People think of a parasite as simply taking money, taking blood out of a host or taking money out of the economy. But in nature it’s much more complicated.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - More and more money is being extracted from of the production and consumption economy to pay the FIRE sector. That’s what causes debt deflation and shrinks markets. If you pay the banks, you have less to spend on goods and services.

    More and more money is being extracted from of the production and consumption economy to pay the FIRE sector. That’s what causes debt deflation and shrinks markets. If you pay the banks, you have less to spend on goods and services.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Junk economics denies the role of debt and denies the fact that the economic system we have now is dysfunctional.

    Junk economics denies the role of debt and denies the fact that the economic system we have now is dysfunctional.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The essence of the global financial bubble is that savings are diverted to inflate the stock market, bond market and real estate prices rather than to build new factories and employ more labor.

    The essence of the global financial bubble is that savings are diverted to inflate the stock market, bond market and real estate prices rather than to build new factories and employ more labor.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The only way people can repay the debt is by cutting their living standards very drastically. It means agreeing to shift their pension plans from defined benefit plans.

    The only way people can repay the debt is by cutting their living standards very drastically. It means agreeing to shift their pension plans from defined benefit plans.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Most of these charges that people pay are economically unnecessary. There’s no real cost behind them. There’s no real value behind them. So, they’re what the classical economist called empty pricing. Prices with no real cost value. Download This Image

    Most of these charges that people pay are economically unnecessary. There’s no real cost behind them. There’s no real value behind them. So, they’re what the classical economist called empty pricing. Prices with no real cost value.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The economy is being run primarily by the banks for their own interest.

    The economy is being run primarily by the banks for their own interest.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - I guess the main thing that came out of the Panama Papers was that Ukrainian President Poroshenko had promised to divest of his chocolate company and instead, he simply moved it into an offshore account. Download This Image

    I guess the main thing that came out of the Panama Papers was that Ukrainian President Poroshenko had promised to divest of his chocolate company and instead, he simply moved it into an offshore account.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Most people think of the economy as producing goods and services and paying labor to buy what it produces.

    Most people think of the economy as producing goods and services and paying labor to buy what it produces.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Debt deflation is when there’s less money that people have to spend out of their paychecks on goods and services, because they’re paying the FIRE sector. Oil going down is a function of the supply and demand of oil in the market. It’s a separate phenomenon.

    Debt deflation is when there’s less money that people have to spend out of their paychecks on goods and services, because they’re paying the FIRE sector. Oil going down is a function of the supply and demand of oil in the market. It’s a separate phenomenon.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - There are two definitions of deflation. Most people think of it simply as prices going down. But debt deflation is what happens when people have to spend more and more of their income to carry the debts that they’ve run up – to pay their mortgage debt, to pay the credit card debt, to pay student loans.

    There are two definitions of deflation. Most people think of it simply as prices going down. But debt deflation is what happens when people have to spend more and more of their income to carry the debts that they’ve run up – to pay their mortgage debt, to pay the credit card debt, to pay student loans.