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  • Michael Hudson Quote - This is the sector that backs the political campaigns of senators, presidents and congressmen, and they use this leverage to make sure that their people dominate the Federal Reserve, Treasury and the federal housing agencies. Download This Image
  • Michael Hudson Quote - This is the sector that backs the political campaigns of senators, presidents and congressmen, and they use this leverage to make sure that their people dominate the Federal Reserve, Treasury and the federal housing agencies.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - This is the sector that backs the political campaigns of senators, presidents and congressmen, and they use this leverage to make sure that their people dominate the Federal Reserve, Treasury and the federal housing agencies.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - This is the sector that backs the political campaigns of senators, presidents and congressmen, and they use this leverage to make sure that their people dominate the Federal Reserve, Treasury and the federal housing agencies.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - This is the sector that backs the political campaigns of senators, presidents and congressmen, and they use this leverage to make sure that their people dominate the Federal Reserve, Treasury and the federal housing agencies.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - This is the sector that backs the political campaigns of senators, presidents and congressmen, and they use this leverage to make sure that their people dominate the Federal Reserve, Treasury and the federal housing agencies.
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This is the sector that backs the political campaigns of senators, presidents and congressmen, and they use this leverage to make sure that their people dominate the Federal Reserve, Treasury and the federal housing agencies.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Since 2008 you’ve had the largest bond market rally in history, as the Federal Reserve flooded the economy with quantitative easing to drive down interest rates.

    Since 2008 you’ve had the largest bond market rally in history, as the Federal Reserve flooded the economy with quantitative easing to drive down interest rates.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The reason is that every recovery since 1945 has begun with a higher, and higher level of debt. The debt is so high now, that since 2008 we’ve been in what I call, debt deflation.

    The reason is that every recovery since 1945 has begun with a higher, and higher level of debt. The debt is so high now, that since 2008 we’ve been in what I call, debt deflation.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - I think I’m just going to move out and buy a cheaper house.” So it’s very risky when you have only a 3% or 3.5% equity for the loan. The bank really isn’t left with much cushion as collateral. Download This Image

    I think I’m just going to move out and buy a cheaper house.” So it’s very risky when you have only a 3% or 3.5% equity for the loan. The bank really isn’t left with much cushion as collateral.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - I don’t think that governments should permit speculation in raw materials, because they’re what the economy basically needs.

    I don’t think that governments should permit speculation in raw materials, because they’re what the economy basically needs.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Mr. Trump wants to turn the U.S. economy into the kind of real estate development that has made him so rich in New York.

    Mr. Trump wants to turn the U.S. economy into the kind of real estate development that has made him so rich in New York.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - This is not really currency that circulates. It’s like the old joke about expensive vintage wine. Wine prices will go up and once in a while somebody will buy a 50-year-old bottle of wine and say, “Wait a minute. This has gone bad.” The answer is, “Well, that wine isn’t for drinking; that’s for trading.”

    This is not really currency that circulates. It’s like the old joke about expensive vintage wine. Wine prices will go up and once in a while somebody will buy a 50-year-old bottle of wine and say, “Wait a minute. This has gone bad.” The answer is, “Well, that wine isn’t for drinking; that’s for trading.”

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The financial time frame always has been short-term. Projects with long-term paybacks are cut back, because CEOs and financial managers simply want to take their money and run. That is the financial mentality.

    The financial time frame always has been short-term. Projects with long-term paybacks are cut back, because CEOs and financial managers simply want to take their money and run. That is the financial mentality.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - One basic myth is that rich people get wealthy by earning income. But that’s not how most get rich. Most of the gains of the rich people since 1945 have been “capital gains”.

    One basic myth is that rich people get wealthy by earning income. But that’s not how most get rich. Most of the gains of the rich people since 1945 have been “capital gains”.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - If bankers can push the loans and make more profits for the bank, they get paid higher bonuses. They often also get stock options. Download This Image

    If bankers can push the loans and make more profits for the bank, they get paid higher bonuses. They often also get stock options.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - More and more money is being extracted from of the production and consumption economy to pay the FIRE sector. That’s what causes debt deflation and shrinks markets. If you pay the banks, you have less to spend on goods and services.

    More and more money is being extracted from of the production and consumption economy to pay the FIRE sector. That’s what causes debt deflation and shrinks markets. If you pay the banks, you have less to spend on goods and services.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - If the economy is growing, people want to employ more workers. If you hire more labor, wages go up. Download This Image

    If the economy is growing, people want to employ more workers. If you hire more labor, wages go up.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Deflation is a leakage from this circular flow, to pay banks and the real estate, called the FIRE sector – finance, insurance and real estate. These transfer payments leave less and less of the paycheck to be spent on goods and services, so markets shrink. Download This Image

    Deflation is a leakage from this circular flow, to pay banks and the real estate, called the FIRE sector – finance, insurance and real estate. These transfer payments leave less and less of the paycheck to be spent on goods and services, so markets shrink.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Now, suppose that a homeowner puts down only 3% of their own money or 3.5% for the FHA. That means if prices go down by only 3%, the house will be in negative equity and it would pay the homeowner just to walk away and say, “The house now is worth less than the mortgage I owe.

    Now, suppose that a homeowner puts down only 3% of their own money or 3.5% for the FHA. That means if prices go down by only 3%, the house will be in negative equity and it would pay the homeowner just to walk away and say, “The house now is worth less than the mortgage I owe.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The myth is that if housing prices go up, Americans will be richer. What banks – and behind them, the Federal Reserve – really want is for new buyers to be able to borrow enough money to buy the houses from mortgage defaulters, and thus save the banks from suffering from more mortgage defaults.

    The myth is that if housing prices go up, Americans will be richer. What banks – and behind them, the Federal Reserve – really want is for new buyers to be able to borrow enough money to buy the houses from mortgage defaulters, and thus save the banks from suffering from more mortgage defaults.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Driving down the interest rates creates a boom in the stock market, and also the real estate market. The resulting capital gains not treated as income.

    Driving down the interest rates creates a boom in the stock market, and also the real estate market. The resulting capital gains not treated as income.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Britain is having a referendum as to whether to withdraw from the European Union, and it looks more and more like it may do so. So the world’s politics are in turmoil. Download This Image

    Britain is having a referendum as to whether to withdraw from the European Union, and it looks more and more like it may do so. So the world’s politics are in turmoil.