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  • Michael Hudson Quote - Today, people are having to spend so much of their money, to acquire a house and to get an education that they don’t have enough to spend on goods and services, except by running into yet more debt on their credit cards and other borrowings.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - Today, people are having to spend so much of their money, to acquire a house and to get an education that they don’t have enough to spend on goods and services, except by running into yet more debt on their credit cards and other borrowings.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - Today, people are having to spend so much of their money, to acquire a house and to get an education that they don’t have enough to spend on goods and services, except by running into yet more debt on their credit cards and other borrowings.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - Today, people are having to spend so much of their money, to acquire a house and to get an education that they don’t have enough to spend on goods and services, except by running into yet more debt on their credit cards and other borrowings.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - Today, people are having to spend so much of their money, to acquire a house and to get an education that they don’t have enough to spend on goods and services, except by running into yet more debt on their credit cards and other borrowings.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - Today, people are having to spend so much of their money, to acquire a house and to get an education that they don’t have enough to spend on goods and services, except by running into yet more debt on their credit cards and other borrowings.
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Today, people are having to spend so much of their money, to acquire a house and to get an education that they don’t have enough to spend on goods and services, except by running into yet more debt on their credit cards and other borrowings.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - While escalating war in Afghanistan and maintaining over 850 military bases around the world, the administration has run up the national debt that Smith decried. Download This Image

    While escalating war in Afghanistan and maintaining over 850 military bases around the world, the administration has run up the national debt that Smith decried.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Junk economics denies the role of debt and denies the fact that the economic system we have now is dysfunctional.

    Junk economics denies the role of debt and denies the fact that the economic system we have now is dysfunctional.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - When you say “paying the banks,” what they really mean is paying the bank bondholders. They are basically the One Percent.

    When you say “paying the banks,” what they really mean is paying the bank bondholders. They are basically the One Percent.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - A bubble is only called that after it bursts, after the insiders get out, leaving the pension funds and small investors, Canadians and other naïve investors holding the bag. Download This Image

    A bubble is only called that after it bursts, after the insiders get out, leaving the pension funds and small investors, Canadians and other naïve investors holding the bag.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - When people are running up more and more debt for housing, they call that “real wealth.” It exposes what’s wrong in the mainstream economics and why most of the economics that justifies austerity programs and economic shrinkage is in the textbooks is not scientific.

    When people are running up more and more debt for housing, they call that “real wealth.” It exposes what’s wrong in the mainstream economics and why most of the economics that justifies austerity programs and economic shrinkage is in the textbooks is not scientific.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Textbooks don’t teach people how to avoid paying any income tax. But that’s what an army of tax lawyers and corporate tax accountants do.

    Textbooks don’t teach people how to avoid paying any income tax. But that’s what an army of tax lawyers and corporate tax accountants do.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The problems of 2008 were never cured. The Federal Reserve’s solution to the crisis was to lend the economy enough money to borrow its way out of debt.

    The problems of 2008 were never cured. The Federal Reserve’s solution to the crisis was to lend the economy enough money to borrow its way out of debt.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - So we are in for years of debt deflation. That means that people have to pay so much debt service for mortgages, credit cards, student loans, bank loans and other obligations that they have less to spend on goods and services. So markets shrink.

    So we are in for years of debt deflation. That means that people have to pay so much debt service for mortgages, credit cards, student loans, bank loans and other obligations that they have less to spend on goods and services. So markets shrink.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Once the speculative demand ended, all of a sudden the added production facilities that had been brought into production by the high prices went out of production again, and there was a glut.

    Once the speculative demand ended, all of a sudden the added production facilities that had been brought into production by the high prices went out of production again, and there was a glut.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - More and more money is being extracted from of the production and consumption economy to pay the FIRE sector. That’s what causes debt deflation and shrinks markets. If you pay the banks, you have less to spend on goods and services.

    More and more money is being extracted from of the production and consumption economy to pay the FIRE sector. That’s what causes debt deflation and shrinks markets. If you pay the banks, you have less to spend on goods and services.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The Eurozone die is cast. Countries must withdraw from the euro so that governments can create their own money once again, and resist creditor demands to carve up and privatize their public domain.

    The Eurozone die is cast. Countries must withdraw from the euro so that governments can create their own money once again, and resist creditor demands to carve up and privatize their public domain.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - You could say that the vote to withdraw from Europe is, it’s really a vote of the British middle class, the working class, to withdraw from the U.S. neoliberalism that has been running Europe for the last ten years.

    You could say that the vote to withdraw from Europe is, it’s really a vote of the British middle class, the working class, to withdraw from the U.S. neoliberalism that has been running Europe for the last ten years.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Education is something that should not be organized on a for-profit basis, because in that case its purpose is not really to provide an education. Download This Image

    Education is something that should not be organized on a for-profit basis, because in that case its purpose is not really to provide an education.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - You’re having government spending on the economy being cut almost everywhere. That means that the only source of spending for growth has to come from borrowing from the banking system. Download This Image

    You’re having government spending on the economy being cut almost everywhere. That means that the only source of spending for growth has to come from borrowing from the banking system.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - What do the 5%, or the 1% actually use their money for? They lend it back to the economy at large, they load it down with debt. They make their money by lending to the bottom 95%, or the bottom 99%.

    What do the 5%, or the 1% actually use their money for? They lend it back to the economy at large, they load it down with debt. They make their money by lending to the bottom 95%, or the bottom 99%.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Europe is acting in a very self-destructive manner, but is doing so because it’s trying to be loyal to the United States.

    Europe is acting in a very self-destructive manner, but is doing so because it’s trying to be loyal to the United States.