If the King loves music, it is well with the land.
MENCIUSTo lay hold of the mean without taking into account the occasion is like grasping one thing only.
More Mencius Quotes
Friendship with a man is friendship with his virtue, and does not admit of assumptions of superiority.
Human nature is good, just as water seeks low ground. There is no man who is not good, just as there is no water that does not flow downward.
The path of duty lies in what is near, and men seek for it in what is remote; the work of duty lies in what is easy, and men seek for it in what is difficult.
To lay hold of the mean without taking into account the occasion is like grasping one thing only.
Only those who develop their minds and spirits to the utmost can serve Heaven and fulfill their own destinies.
By exhaustively examining one’s own mind,one may understand his nature. One who understands his own nature understands Heaven.
One who believes all of a book would be better off without books.
The people turn in allegiance to Humanity, as surely as water flows downward or as a wild animal takes cover in the wilderness.
The way is near, but men seek it afar. It is in easy things, but men seek for it in difficult things.
When one by force subdues men, they do not submit to him in heart. They submit because their strength is not adequate to resist.
The gap between enthusiasm and indifference is filled with failures. The great man is he that does not lose his child’s heart.
The feeling of right or wrong is the beginning of wisdom.
He who loves others is constantly loved by them. He who respects others is constantly respected by them.
A man must not be without shame, for the shame of being without shame is shamelessness indeed.
I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death. Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger.