When one by force subdues men, they do not submit to him in heart. They submit because their strength is not adequate to resist.
MENCIUSMankind fears an evil man but heaven does not.
More Mencius Quotes
Is it only the mouth and belly which are injured by hunger and thirst? Men’s minds are also injured by them.
The way is near, but men seek it afar. It is in easy things, but men seek for it in difficult things.
Never lose your child’s heart.
He who goes to the bottom of his own heart knows his own nature; And knowing his own nature, he knows heaven.
The foundation of the world lies in the nation. The foundation of the nation lies in the family. The foundation of the family lies in the individual.
He who attends to his greater self becomes a great man, and he who attends to his smaller self becomes a small man.
One who believes all of a book would be better off without books.
Truth uttered before its time is dangerous.
Those who follow the part of themselves which is great are great men; those who follow the part which is little are little men.
To feed men and not to love them is to treat them as if they were barnyard cattle. To love them and not respect them is to treat them as if they were household pets.
Secure property in hand leads to peace in mind.
Let not a man do what his sense of right bids him not to do, nor desire what it forbids him to desire. This is sufficient. The skillful artist will not alter his measures for the sake of a stupid workman.
Human nature is disposed to do good.
The tendency of mans nature to good is like the tendency of water to flow downward.
He who wishes to be benevolent will not be rich.