Human nature is disposed to do good.
MENCIUSAll people have the common desire to be elevated in honour, but all people have something still more elevated in themselves without knowing it.
More Mencius Quotes
There is a power in everything; it is the job of the artist to determine it and express it.
If the King loves music, it is well with the land.
The way is near, but men seek it afar. It is in easy things, but men seek for it in difficult things.
Let not a man do what his sense of right bids him not to do, nor desire what it forbids him to desire. This is sufficient. The skillful artist will not alter his measures for the sake of a stupid workman.
It is not difficult to govern. All one has to do is not to offend the noble families.
A real man is he whose goodness is a part of himself.
To feed men and not to love them is to treat them as if they were barnyard cattle. To love them and not respect them is to treat them as if they were household pets.
All things are complete within ourselves.
The path of duty lies in what is near, and men seek for it in what is remote; the work of duty lies in what is easy, and men seek for it in what is difficult.
By exhaustively examining one’s own mind,one may understand his nature. One who understands his own nature understands Heaven.
Where it is permissible both to die and not to die, it is an abuse of valour to die.
Human nature is good, just as water seeks low ground. There is no man who is not good, just as there is no water that does not flow downward.
The myriad things are complete in us. There is no greater joy than to reflect on ourselves and become sincere.
The sole concern of learning is to seek one’s original heart.
The feeling of compassion is the beginning of humanity.