The great person never loses a childlike spirit.
MENCIUSTreat your elders as elders, and extend it to the elders of others; treat your young ones as young ones, and extend it to the young ones of others; then you can turn the whole world in the palm of your hand.
More Mencius Quotes
A real man is he whose goodness is a part of himself.
Friendship with a man is friendship with his virtue, and does not admit of assumptions of superiority.
All things are complete within ourselves.
The way of truth is like a great highway. It is not hard to find.
When one by force subdues men, they do not submit to him in heart. They submit because their strength is not adequate to resist.
By exhaustively examining one’s own mind,one may understand his nature. One who understands his own nature understands Heaven.
Never has a man who has bent himself been able to make others straight.
He who exerts his mind to the utmost knows his nature.
The great man is he who does not lose his child’s heart.
Benevolence is one of the distinguishing characters of man.
The Way lies at hand yet it is sought afar off; the thing lies in the easy yet it is sought in the difficult.
The sole concern of learning is to seek one’s original heart.
Those who follow the part of themselves which is great are great men; those who follow the part which is little are little men.
Let not a man do what his sense of right bids him not to do, nor desire what it forbids him to desire. This is sufficient. The skillful artist will not alter his measures for the sake of a stupid workman.
There is a power in everything; it is the job of the artist to determine it and express it.