Where it is permissible both to die and not to die, it is an abuse of valour to die.
MENCIUSHeaven sees as the people see. Heaven hears as the people hear.
More Mencius Quotes
He who loves others is constantly loved by them. He who respects others is constantly respected by them.
The disease of men is that they neglect their own fields and go to weed the fields of others.
The way of truth is like a great road. It is not difficult to know it. The evil is only that men will not seek it.
By exhaustively examining one’s own mind,one may understand his nature. One who understands his own nature understands Heaven.
He who loves others is always loved by them, and he who respects others is always respected by them.
He who wishes to be benevolent will not be rich.
To lay hold of the mean without taking into account the occasion is like grasping one thing only.
The regular path of virtue is to be pursued without any bend, and from no view to emolument.
Only when someone refuses to do certain things will he be capable of doing great things.
A real man is he whose goodness is a part of himself.
A man must not be without shame, for the shame of being without shame is shamelessness indeed.
The way of learning is none other than finding the lost mind.
The way of truth is like a great highway. It is not hard to find.
I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death. Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger.
Sincerity is the way to heaven; to think how to be sincere is the way of man.