The gap between enthusiasm and indifference is filled with failures. The great man is he that does not lose his child’s heart.
MENCIUSHuman nature is good, just as water seeks low ground. There is no man who is not good, just as there is no water that does not flow downward.
More Mencius Quotes
He who wishes to be benevolent will not be rich.
The feeling of right or wrong is the beginning of wisdom.
The tendency of mans nature to good is like the tendency of water to flow downward.
Every duty is a charge, but the charge of oneself is the root of all others.
Treat your elders as elders, and extend it to the elders of others; treat your young ones as young ones, and extend it to the young ones of others; then you can turn the whole world in the palm of your hand.
So I like life and I like righteousness; if I cannot keep the two together, I will let life go and choose righteousness.
Kindly words do not enter so deeply into men as a reputation for kindness.
A small country cannot contend with a great; the few cannot contend with the many; the weak cannot contend with the strong.
Never has a man who has bent himself been able to make others straight.
Sincerity is the way to heaven; to think how to be sincere is the way of man.
By exhaustively examining one’s own mind,one may understand his nature. One who understands his own nature understands Heaven.
There is no greater delight than to be conscious of sincerity on self-examination.
People are eager to comment on something when they themselves are not in the situation of doing it.
To feed men and not to love them is to treat them as if they were barnyard cattle. To love them and not respect them is to treat them as if they were household pets.
Incessant falls teach men to reform, and distress rouses their strength. Life springs from calamity, and death from ease.