Birds of a feather will flock together.
MARTIALHe who thinks that the lives of Priam and of Nestor were long is much deceived and mistaken. Life consists not in living, but in enjoying health.
More Martial Quotes
You’re obstinate, pliant, merry, morose, all at once. For me there’s no living with you, or without you.
Life is not living, but living in health.
From no place can you exclude the fates.
This I ask, is it not madness to kill thyself in order to escape death?
That which prevents disagreeable flies from feeding on your repast, was once the proud tail of a splendid bird.
Rarity gives a charm; so early fruits and winter roses are the most prized; and coyness sets off an extravagant mistress, while the door always open tempts no suitor.
The present joys of life we doubly taste, By looking back with pleasure to the past.
If your slave commits a fault, do not smash his teeth with your fists; give him some of the (hard) biscuit which famous Rhodes has sent you.
Man loves malice, but not against one-eyed men nor the unfortunate, but against the fortunate and proud.
A good man enlarges the term of his own existence.
It is feeling and force of imagination that make us eloquent.
To-morrow I will live, the fool does say; To-day itself’s too late, the wise lived yesterday.
Be content to be what you are, and prefer nothing to it, and do not fear or wish for your last day.
Fortune gives too much to many, enough to none.
You praise, in three hundred verses, Sabellus, the baths of Ponticus, who gives such excellent dinners. You wish to dine, Sabellus, not to bathe.