Neither fear your death’s day nor long for it.
MARTIALTis easy to write epigrams nicely, but to write a book is hard.
More Martial Quotes
You may envy every one, but no one envies you.
No amount of misfortune will satisfy the man who is not satisfied with reading a hundred epigrams.
Such are thou and I: but what I am thou canst not be; what thou art any one of the multitude may be.
You are sad in the midst of every blessing. Take care that Fortune does not observe–or she will call you ungrateful.
The bee is enclosed, and shines preserved in amber, so that it seems enshrined in its own nectar.
Fortune gives too much to many, enough to none.
Why do strong arms fatigue themselves with frivolous dumbbells? To dig a vineyard is worthier exercise for men.
Be merry if you are wise.
A vagrant is everywhere at home.
For life is only life when blessed with health.
Believing hear, what you deserve to hear: Your birthday as my own to me is dear. But yours gives most; for mine did only lend Me to the world; yours gave to me a friend.
Your seventh wife, Phileros, is now being buried in your field. No man’s field brings him greater profit than yours, Phileros.
You puff the poets of other days, The living you deplore. Spare me the accolade: your praise Is not worth dying for.
You give me nothing during your life, but you promise to provide for me at your death. If you are not a fool, you know what I wish for!
If I remember right, Aelia, you had four teeth; a cough displaced two, another two more. You can now cough without anxiety all the day long. A third cough can find nothing to do in your mouth.