You ask what a nice girl will do? She won’t give an inch, but she won’t say no.
MARTIALThe shameless Chloe placed on the tombs of her seven husbands the inscription, “The work of Chloe.” How could she have expressed herself more plainly?
More Martial Quotes
In adversity it is easy to despise life; he is truly brave who can endure a wreched life.
You importune me, Tucca, to present you with my books. I shall not do so; for you want to sell, not to read, them.
Work divided is in that manner shortened.
Givers of great dinners know few enemies.
Neither fear your death’s day nor long for it.
Some things are good, some middling, more bad.
It is not he who forms idols in gold or marble that makes them gods, but he who kneels before them.
He who thinks that the lives of Priam and of Nestor were long is much deceived and mistaken. Life consists not in living, but in enjoying health.
Can the fish love the fisherman?
You complain, friend Swift, of the length of my epigrams, but you yourself write nothing. Yours are shorter.
He truly sorrows who sorrows unseen.
I do not like the man who squanders life for fame; give me the man who living makes a name.
To the ashes of the dead glory comes too late.
I seem to you cruel and too much addicted to gluttony, when I beat my cook for sending up a bad dinner. If that appears to you too trifling a cause, say for what cause you would have a cook flogged.
Be content to be what you are, and prefer nothing to it, and do not fear or wish for your last day.