In adversity it is easy to despise life; he is truly brave who can endure a wretched life.
MARTIALYou complain, friend Swift, of the length of my epigrams, but you yourself write nothing. Yours are shorter.
More Martial Quotes
You admire, Vacerra, only the poets of old and praise only those who are dead. Pardon me, I beseech you, Vacerra, if I think death too high a price to pay for your praise.
If I remember right, Aelia, you had four teeth; a cough displaced two, another two more. You can now cough without anxiety all the day long. A third cough can find nothing to do in your mouth.
The flaw which is hidden is deemed greater than it is.
Laugh, if thou art wise.
Epigrams need no crier, but are content with their own tongue.
Such are thou and I: but what I am thou canst not be; what thou art any one of the multitude may be.
Be satisfied, and pleased with what thou art, Act cheerfully and well thou allotted part; Enjoy the present hour, be thankful for the past, And neither fear, nor wish, the approaches of the last.
My poems are naughty, but my life is pure.
I am a shell-fish just come from being saturated with the waters of the Lucrine lake, near Baiae; but now I luxuriously thrust for noble pickle.
To have nothing is not poverty.
No amount of misfortune will satisfy the man who is not satisfied with reading a hundred epigrams.
Be merry if you are wise.
Your seventh wife, Phileros, is now being buried in your field. No man’s field brings him greater profit than yours, Phileros.
I seem to you cruel and too much addicted to gluttony, when I beat my cook for sending up a bad dinner. If that appears to you too trifling a cause, say for what cause you would have a cook flogged.
Rarity gives a charm; so early fruits and winter roses are the most prized; and coyness sets off an extravagant mistress, while the door always open tempts no suitor.