I can tell you what I believe, particularly about Mexican-Americans: they are a community that has contributed greatly to this country, they work extremely hard, they’ve been very productive citizens of our country, and I think that’s true of many ethnic groups in this country.
MARCO RUBIOWhen Donald Trump’s projects go under, the first people that don’t get paid are the contractors that he’s – some of whom have gone bankrupt.
More Marco Rubio Quotes
Our status as a land of equal opportunity has made us a rich and powerful nation, but it has also transformed lives. It has given people like me the chance to grow up knowing that no dream was too big and no goal out of reach.
My father was a bartender. And the journey from the back of that bar to the [election 2016], to me, that is the essence of the American dream.
We are special because we’ve been united not by a common race or ethnicity. We’re bound together by common values. That family is the most important institution in society. That almighty God is the source of all we have.
If we capture any of these ISIS killers alive, they are going to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and we’re going to find out everything they know, because when I’m president, unlike Barack Obama, we will keep this country safe.
Around the world, America’s influence has declined while this president [Barack Obama] has destroyed our military, our allies no longer trust us, and our adversaries no longer respect us.
The No. 1 issue in the Hispanic American community is ‘How do I leave my children better off than myself?
The world doesn’t just stop and say, well, let’s wait until the president catches up before we start challenging America.
The most important institution in society is the family. If the family breaks down, society breaks down.
How come liberals never admit that they’re liberal? They’ve now come up with a new word called ‘progressive,’ which I thought was an insurance company but apparently it’s a label.
Donald Trump’s views on Vladimir Putin, I think, are troubling. And I don’t think he fundamentally understands exactly who Vladimir Putin is or exactly what he’s trying to do. So, these are the kinds of things that I think in detail you need to begin to understand.
The triad is our ability of the United States to conduct nuclear attacks using airplanes, using missiles launched from silos or from the ground, and also from our nuclear subs’ ability to attack. And it’s important – all three of them are critical. It gives us the ability at deterrence.
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options.
Now, the political class tries to make sense of all of this, but they can’t, because never has the political class or the mainstream media that covers them been more out of touch with the American people than they are today.
What was the difference between us that allowed me to attain so much in a short time? America. America was the difference. I had been born a citizen of the greatest nation in all of human history.
Donald Trump is not a Republican. Donald Trump is not a conservative. Donald Trump is trying to pull off the biggest scam in American political history, basically a con job, where he’s trying to take over the Republican Party by telling people he’s someone who he is not.