Do not be afraid to offer ideas that draw opposition. Remember, if no one is against your idea, then your idea probably doesn’t do anything.
MARCO RUBIODonald Trump is not going to be the nominee, because we are not going to allow – people will wake up and we’re not going to allow a con artist to take over the party of [Abraham] Lincoln and [Ronald] Reagan.
More Marco Rubio Quotes
I am prepared to discuss the things that I believe we need to do not just to raise the debt limit. Raising the debt limit is the easiest thing. That’s one vote away. The hard thing is to show the world we are serious about putting our spending in order so we can show people we’ll able to pay our bills down the road.
Well, the most important thing a president will be is commander-in-chief. And that requires having an understanding of the complex issues on foreign policy. Foreign policy presents us often with hard choices, not black or white choices.
You know, now that I come to think of it, the blizzard may be the best thing to happen to the American economy in 12 months.
70% of children born into poverty will never make it to the middle class. The uncomfortable truth is that there are now a number of other countries with as much or more opportunity than ours. In fact, more people in Canada go on to surpass the income of their parents than in the United States.
We are special because we’ve been united not by a common race or ethnicity. We’re bound together by common values. That family is the most important institution in society. That almighty God is the source of all we have.
Donald Trump’s views on Vladimir Putin, I think, are troubling. And I don’t think he fundamentally understands exactly who Vladimir Putin is or exactly what he’s trying to do. So, these are the kinds of things that I think in detail you need to begin to understand.
They’re calling me. I’m getting nonstop e-mails and calls now from people that have been scammed by Donald Trump. And their stories are heartbreaking.
I believe the climate is changing because there’s never been a moment where the climate is not changing.
The triad is our ability of the United States to conduct nuclear attacks using airplanes, using missiles launched from silos or from the ground, and also from our nuclear subs’ ability to attack. And it’s important – all three of them are critical. It gives us the ability at deterrence.
Donald Trump is not a Republican. Donald Trump is not a conservative. Donald Trump is trying to pull off the biggest scam in American political history, basically a con job, where he’s trying to take over the Republican Party by telling people he’s someone who he is not.
Everything that I will ever accomplish, I owe to God, to my parent’s sacrifices, and to the United States of America.
We need American foreign policy that tells the world very clearly that it is bad to be our enemy and good to be our friend.
I would say to you that Americans of Hispanic descent want desperately to give their children the chances they never had.
I think we need to simplify our tax code, but not as a way of generating revenue, as a way of making our tax code more growth- friendly.
Our problem with President Obama isn’t that he’s a bad person. By all accounts, he too is a good husband, and a good father – and thanks to lots of practice, a pretty good golfer.