Lose with truth and right rather than gain with falsehood and wrong.
MAIMONIDESLose with truth and right rather than gain with falsehood and wrong.
More Maimonides Quotes
The fact that laws were given to man, both affirmative and negative, supports the principle, that God’s knowledge of future events does not change their character. The great doubt that presents itself to our mind is the result of the insufficiency of our intellect.
God is identical with His attributes, so that it may be said that He is the knowledge, the knower, and the known.
Consequently he who wishes to attain to human perfection, must therefore first study Logic, next the various branches of Mathematics in their proper order, then Physics, and lastly Metaphysics.
It should not be believed that all beings exist for the sake of the existence of man. On the contrary, all the other beings too have been intended for their own sakes and not for the sake of anything else.
One should see the world, and see himself as a scale with an equal balance of good and evil. When he does one good deed the scale is tipped to the good – he and the world is saved. When he does one evil deed the scale is tipped to the bad – he and the world is destroyed.
The whole object of the Prophets and the Sages was to declare that a limit is set to human reason where it must halt.
Astrology is a sickness, not a science. It is a tree under the shade of which all sorts of superstitions thrive.
It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision.
Your purpose, should always be to know, the whole that was intended to be known.
A truth does not become greater by repetition.
Those who grieve find comfort in weeping and in arousing their sorrow until the body is too tired to bear the inner emotions.
Let nothing which can be treated by diet be treated by other means.
God cannot be compared to anything.
He who does not understand that a dead lion is more alive than a living dog will remain a dog.
It is man’s duty to love and to fear God, even without hope of reward or fear of punishment.