Astrology is a sickness, not a science. It is a tree under the shade of which all sorts of superstitions thrive.
MAIMONIDESThere are eight levels of charity. The highest is when you strengthen a man’s hand until he need no longer be dependent upon others.
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The soul is subject to health and disease, just as is the body. The health and disease of both, undoubtedly depend upon beliefs and customs, which are peculiar to mankind.
Your purpose, should always be to know, the whole that was intended to be known.
Consequently he who wishes to attain to human perfection, must therefore first study Logic, next the various branches of Mathematics in their proper order, then Physics, and lastly Metaphysics.
A wise man is a greater asset to a nation than a king.
I will destroy my enemies by converting them to friends.
Every man whose character traits all lie in the mean is called a wise man.
Medical practice is not knitting and weaving and the labor of the hands, but it must be inspired with soul and be filled with understanding and equipped with the gift of keen observation.
Astrology is a disease, not a science. It is a tree under the shadow of which all sorts of superstitions thrive. Only fools and charlatans lend value to it.
The knowledge of God, the formation of ideas, the mastery of desire and passion, the distinction between that which is to be chosen and that which is to be rejected, all these man owes to his form.
Contrast the experience with something worse and you cannot help feeling happy and grateful because. The change from trouble to comfort gives us more pleasure than uninterrupted comfort does.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
God cannot be compared to anything.
It is man’s duty to love and to fear God, even without hope of reward or fear of punishment.
In finances, be strict with yourself, generous with others.
The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it