I will destroy my enemies by converting them to friends.
MAIMONIDESOne should see the world, and see himself as a scale with an equal balance of good and evil. When he does one good deed the scale is tipped to the good – he and the world is saved. When he does one evil deed the scale is tipped to the bad – he and the world is destroyed.
More Maimonides Quotes
If a person studies too much and exhausts his reflective powers, he will be confused, and will not be able to apprehend even that which had been within the power of his apprehension. For the powers of the body are all alike in this respect.
Inspire me with love for my art and for thy creatures. In the sufferer let me see only the human being.
Hold firmly to your word.
All forces that reside in the body are angels.
There is no difference between the worry of a human mother and an animal mother for their offspring. A mother’s love does not derive from the intellect but from the emotions, in animals just as in humans.
In the beginning we must simplify the subject, thus unavoidably falsifying it, and later we must sophisticate away the falsely simple beginning.
For that which is without a beginning, a final cause need not be sought.
It is man’s duty to love and to fear God, even without hope of reward or fear of punishment.
For it is said, You shall strengthen the stranger and the dweller in your midst and live with him, that is to say, strengthen him until he needs no longer fall upon the mercy of the community or be in need.
Consequently he who wishes to attain to human perfection, must therefore first study Logic, next the various branches of Mathematics in their proper order, then Physics, and lastly Metaphysics.
The knowledge of God, the formation of ideas, the mastery of desire and passion, the distinction between that which is to be chosen and that which is to be rejected, all these man owes to his form.
In the realm of Nature there is nothing purposeless, trivial, or unnecessary.
It should not be believed that all beings exist for the sake of the existence of man. On the contrary, all the other beings too have been intended for their own sakes and not for the sake of anything else.
He who does not understand that a dead lion is more alive than a living dog will remain a dog.
Teach thy tongue to say ‘I do not know,’ and thou shalt progress.