Teach thy tongue to say ‘I do not know,’ and thou shalt progress.
MAIMONIDESThe risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.
More Maimonides Quotes
The key to the understanding and to the full comprehension of all that the Prophets have said is found in the knowledge of the figures, their general ideas, and the meaning of each word they contain.
A wise man is a greater asset to a nation than a king.
Let nothing which can be treated by diet be treated by other means.
If men possessed wisdom, which stands in the same relation to the form of man as the sight to the eye, they would not cause any injury to themselves or to others, for the knowledge of the truth removes hatred and quarrels, and prevents mutual injuries.
There is no difference between the worry of a human mother and an animal mother for their offspring. A mother’s love does not derive from the intellect but from the emotions, in animals just as in humans.
Astrology is not an art, it is a disease.
Astrology is a disease, not a science. It is a tree under the shadow of which all sorts of superstitions thrive. Only fools and charlatans lend value to it.
In the realm of Nature there is nothing purposeless, trivial, or unnecessary.
In the beginning we must simplify the subject, thus unavoidably falsifying it, and later we must sophisticate away the falsely simple beginning.
Everyone entrusted with a mission is an angel.
Hold firmly to your word.
A truth does not become greater by repetition.
The second class of evils comprises such evils as people cause to each other, when, e.g. , some of them use their strength against others. These evils are more numerous than those of the first kind. They likewise originate in ourselves, though the sufferer himself cannot avert them.
For that which is without a beginning, a final cause need not be sought.
Your purpose, should always be to know, the whole that was intended to be known.