Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
MAIMONIDESThe risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.
More Maimonides Quotes
In so far as the soul is a force residing in the body; it has therefore been said that the properties of the soul depend of the condition of the body.
Astrology is a disease, not a science. It is a tree under the shadow of which all sorts of superstitions thrive. Only fools and charlatans lend value to it.
The whole object of the Prophets and the Sages was to declare that a limit is set to human reason where it must halt.
The more necessary a thing is for living beings, the more easily it is found and the cheaper it is; the less necessary it is, the rarer and dearer it is.
Astrology is not an art, it is a disease.
The great sickness and the grievous evil consist in this: that all the things that man finds written in books, he presumes to think of as true-and all the more so if the books are old.
God cannot be compared to anything.
What is lofty can be said in any language. What is mean should be said in none.
Every man whose character traits all lie in the mean is called a wise man.
All forces that reside in the body are angels.
There are eight rungs in charity. The highest is when you help a man to help himself.
It is well known among physicians that the best of the nourishing foods is the one that the Moslem religion forbids, i.e., Wine. It contains much good and light nourishment. It is rapidly digested and helps to digest other foods.
Silence is the maturation of wisdom.
I will destroy my enemies by converting them to friends.
Hear the truth from whomever says it.