Constant dripping hollows out a stone.
LUCRETIUSNo single thing abides; but all things flow. Fragment to fragment clings – the things thus grow Until we know them and name them. By degrees They melt, and are no more the things we know.
More Lucretius Quotes
Human life lay foul before men’s eyes, crushed to the dust beneath religion’s weight.
Those things that are in the light we behold from darkness.
The mind like a sick body can be healed and changed by medicine.
Men are eager to tread underfoot what they have once too much feared.
The sum of all sums is eternity.
All nature, then, as self-sustained, consists Of twain of things: of bodies and of void In which they’re set, and where they’re moved around.
So it is more useful to watch a man in times of peril, and in adversity to discern what kind of man he is; for then at last words of truth are drawn from the depths of his heart, and the mask is torn off, reality remains.
Violence and injury enclose in their net all that do such things, and generally return upon him who began.
To none is life given in freehold; to all on lease.
We in the light sometimes fear what is no more to be feared than the things children in the dark hold in terror and imagine will come true.
There is nothing that exists so great or marvelous that over time mankind does not admire it less and less.
If the matter of death is reduced to sleep and rest, what can there be so bitter in it, that any one should pine in eternal grief for the decease of a friend?
If God can do anything he can make a stone so heavy that even he can’t lift it. Then there is something God cannot do, he cannot lift the stone. Therefore God does not exist.
It is doubtful what fortune to-morrow will bring.
There is so much wrong with the world.