Things stand apart so far and differ, that What’s food for one is poison for another.
LUCRETIUSHow many evils have flowed from religion.
More Lucretius Quotes
From the heart of this fountain of delights wells up some bitter taste to choke them even amid the flowers.
Globed from the atoms falling slow or swift I see the suns, I see the systems lift Their forms; and even the systems and the suns Shall go back slowly to the eternal drift.
It’s easier to avoid the snares of love than to escape once you are in that net whose cords and knots are strong; but even so, enmeshed, entangled, you can still get out unless, poor fool, you stand in your own way.
The highest summits and those elevated above the level of other things are mostly blasted by envy as by a thunderbolt.
All nature, then, as self-sustained, consists Of twain of things: of bodies and of void In which they’re set, and where they’re moved around.
Look at a man in the midst of doubt & danger and you will learn in his hour of adversity what he really is.
Our life must once have end; in vain we fly From following Fate; e’en now, e’en now, we die.
For thee the wonder-working earth puts forth sweet flowers.
There is so much wrong with the world.
True piety lies rather in the power to contemplate the universe with a quiet mind.
Air, I should explain, becomes wind when it is agitated.
There can be no centre in infinity.
No fact is so simple that it is not harder to believe than to doubt at the first presentation. Equally, there is nothing so mighty or so marvelous that the wonder it evokes does not tend to diminish in time.
Such evil deeds could religion prompt.
These the senses we trust, first, last, and always.