Under what law each thing was created, and how necessary it is for it to continue under this, and how it cannot annul the strong rules that govern its lifetime.
LUCRETIUSThere is so much wrong with the world.
More Lucretius Quotes
When bodies spring apart, because the air Somehow condenses, wander they from truth: For then a void is formed, where none before; And, too, a void is filled which was before.
From the heart of the fountain of delight rises a jet of bitterness that tortures us among the very flowers.
How wretched are the minds of men, and how blind their understandings.
In the midst of the fountain of wit there arises something bitter, which stings in the very flowers.
How many evils has religion caused! [Lat., Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum!]
There is nothing that exists so great or marvelous that over time mankind does not admire it less and less.
How is it that the sky feeds the stars?
From the midst of the very fountain of pleasure, something of bitterness arises to vex us in the flower of enjoyment.
Though the dungeon, the scourge, and the executioner be absent, the guilty mind can apply the goad and scorch with blows.
Bodies, again, Are partly primal germs of things, and partly Unions deriving from the primal germs.
True piety lies rather in the power to contemplate the universe with a quiet mind.
O goddess, bestow on my words an immortal charm.
No single thing abides; but all things flow. Fragment to fragment clings – the things thus grow Until we know them and name them. By degrees They melt, and are no more the things we know.
The drops of rain make a hole in the stone not by violence but by oft falling.
Religious questions have often led to wicked and impious actions.