The wailing of the newborn infant is mingled with the dirge for the dead.
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Anand Thakur
The wailing of the newborn infant is mingled with the dirge for the dead.
LUCRETIUSWe cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things require a seed to start from.
LUCRETIUSNature repairs one thing from another and allows nothing to be born without the aid of another’s death.
LUCRETIUSDeprived of pain, and also deprived of danger, able to do what it wants, [Nature] does not need us, nor understands our deserts, and it cannot be angry.
LUCRETIUSIt is pleasant, when the sea runs high, to view from land the great distress of another.
LUCRETIUSRest, brother, rest. Have you done ill or well Rest, rest, There is no God, no gods who dwell Crowned with avenging righteousness on high Nor frowning ministers of their hate in hell.
LUCRETIUSIf God can do anything he can make a stone so heavy that even he can’t lift it. Then there is something God cannot do, he cannot lift the stone. Therefore God does not exist.
LUCRETIUSOne Man’s food is another Man’s Poison
LUCRETIUSAll things obey fixed laws.
LUCRETIUSIt is pleasurable, when winds disturb the waves of a great sea, to gaze out from land upon the great trials of another.
LUCRETIUSViolence and injury enclose in their net all that do such things, and generally return upon him who began.
LUCRETIUSGlobed from the atoms falling slow or swift I see the suns, I see the systems lift Their forms; and even the systems and the suns Shall go back slowly to the eternal drift.
LUCRETIUSThere can be no centre in infinity.
LUCRETIUSAll things keep on in everlasting motion, Out of the infinite come the particles, Speeding above, below, in endless dance.
LUCRETIUSIf the matter of death is reduced to sleep and rest, what can there be so bitter in it, that any one should pine in eternal grief for the decease of a friend?
LUCRETIUSWhat is food to one man may be fierce poison to others.