The highest summits and those elevated above the level of other things are mostly blasted by envy as by a thunderbolt.
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Anand Thakur
The highest summits and those elevated above the level of other things are mostly blasted by envy as by a thunderbolt.
LUCRETIUSThe mask is torn off, while the reality remains
LUCRETIUSThe sum total of all sums total is eternal.
LUCRETIUSThough the dungeon, the scourge, and the executioner be absent, the guilty mind can apply the goad and scorch with blows.
LUCRETIUSThose things that are in the light we behold from darkness.
LUCRETIUSToo often in time past, religion has brought forth criminal and shameful actions… How many evils has religion caused?
LUCRETIUSAir, I should explain, becomes wind when it is agitated.
LUCRETIUSThe first-beginnings of things cannot be distinguished by the eye.
LUCRETIUSLucretius, who follows [Epicurus] in denouncing love, sees no harm in sexual intercourse provided it is divorced from passion.
LUCRETIUSYou alone govern the nature of things. Without you nothing emerges into the light of day, without you nothing is joyous or lovely.
LUCRETIUSMeantime, when once we know from nothing still Nothing can be create, we shall divine More clearly what we seek: those elements From which alone all things created are, And how accomplished by no tool of Gods.
LUCRETIUSAll things around, convulsed with violent thunder, seem to tremble, and the mighty walls of the capacious world appear at once to have started and burst asunder.
LUCRETIUSIf the matter of death is reduced to sleep and rest, what can there be so bitter in it, that any one should pine in eternal grief for the decease of a friend?
LUCRETIUSTime changes the nature of the whole world; Everything passes from one state to another And nothing stays like itself.
LUCRETIUSFor there is a VOID in things; a truth which it will be useful for you, in reference to many points, to know; and which will prevent you from wandering in doubt.
LUCRETIUSNo single thing abides; but all things flow. Fragment to fragment clings – the things thus grow Until we know them and name them. By degrees They melt, and are no more the things we know.