All nature, then, as self-sustained, consists Of twain of things: of bodies and of void In which they’re set, and where they’re moved around.
LUCRETIUSTo ask for power is forcing uphill a stone which after all rolls back again from the summit and seeks in headlong haste the levels of the plain.
More Lucretius Quotes
From the midst of the very fountain of pleasure, something of bitterness arises to vex us in the flower of enjoyment.
Fear was the first thing on Earth to create gods.
Globed from the atoms falling slow or swift I see the suns, I see the systems lift Their forms; and even the systems and the suns Shall go back slowly to the eternal drift.
If one thing frightens people, it is that so much happens, on earth and out in space, the reasons for which seem somehow to escape them, and they fill in the gap by putting it down to the gods.
Epicurus whose genius surpassed all humankind, extinguished the light of others, as the stars are dimmed by the rising sun.
Men conceal the past scenes of their lives.
To none is life given in freehold; to all on lease.
We in the light sometimes fear what is no more to be feared than the things children in the dark hold in terror and imagine will come true.
How wretched are the minds of men, and how blind their understandings.
When bodies spring apart, because the air Somehow condenses, wander they from truth: For then a void is formed, where none before; And, too, a void is filled which was before.
Gently touching with the charm of poetry.
There is nothing that exists so great or marvelous that over time mankind does not admire it less and less.
Fear is the mother of all gods.
Air, I should explain, becomes wind when it is agitated.
You alone govern the nature of things. Without you nothing emerges into the light of day, without you nothing is joyous or lovely.