The need to understand everything can lead us far astray.
LISA ROSEThe need to understand everything can lead us far astray.
LISA ROSEBe always the work in progress. The day you finish learning is the day you are finished.
LISA ROSEWhat is in your heart & mind can come to reality. Believe it into existence.
LISA ROSEYou don’t see the changes in your life right now doesn’t mean you aren’t getting better.
LISA ROSEYou are a miracle. Life is a miracle. Everything around you is all miraculous.
LISA ROSEIf you pay attention to the pattern of your life you will realize everything is possible.
LISA ROSEYou’re someone’s greatest dream.
LISA ROSEStart releasing and start receiving.
LISA ROSEAll the ups and downs you’ve experienced in your life were only preparing you for what’s to come.
LISA ROSEDecide that you are no longer be a button that can easily be pushed to react.
LISA ROSEYou only get better when you take your start taking every opportunity to learn and grow.
LISA ROSESurrender your worries. Give up your doubt. Let yourself be free from resistance.
LISA ROSEFocus on growing a little bit every day.
LISA ROSEKeep reminding yourself of where you’re headed by giving yourself the love & values you deserve.
LISA ROSEChange starts with energy, outlook, belief, and the ability to notice the great things happening around you.
LISA ROSEWhen you rid yourself of the need to understand everything, you can focus on what is important to understand.