As our eyes grow accustomed to sight they armor themselves against wonder.
As our eyes grow accustomed to sight they armor themselves against wonder.
LEONARD COHENDo not be a magician – be magic!
LEONARD COHENDeprivation is the mother of poetry.
LEONARD COHENOnly one thing made him happy and now that it was gone everything made him happy.
LEONARD COHENCoroner’s inquest: death by drowning. And he hasn’t been to the seashore in ten years.
LEONARD COHENI will not be held like a drunkard / under the cold tap of facts.
LEONARD COHENI guess that I miss you, I guess I forgive you, I’m glad you stood in my way.
LEONARD COHENYour faith was strong, but you needed proof.
LEONARD COHENChildren show scars like medals. Lovers use them as a secret to reveal. A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh.
LEONARD COHENEverything has a crack in it; that’s how the light gets in.
LEONARD COHENBlessed are you who circled desire with a blade, and the garden with fiery swords, and heaven and earth with a word.
LEONARD COHENI’m old and the mirrors don’t lie.
LEONARD COHENDear Hitler Take away the torches I’m not guilty I had to have this.
LEONARD COHENI’m afraid to live any place but in expectation. I’m no life-risk.
LEONARD COHENYou go your way I’ll go your way too.
LEONARD COHENWe are so lightly here. It is in love that we are made. In love we disappear.