I don’t know, I’ve always written songs that are mainly about attitude, not me personally.
LEMMYI saw the Beatles play the Cavern in Liverpool when I was 16. They had attitude: Onstage, they were like a four-headed monster.
More Lemmy Quotes
Rock n’ roll’s had a good time out of me – and I’ve had a very good time out of rock n’ roll.
Am I going to get my warts removed? I might do, but I’m certainly not going to auction them on the Internet.
I don’t know if love exists, not the kind that keeps.
My hearing is usually O.K.
I was the kid a lot of other mothers wouldn’t let you play with.
I’m not afraid of death. How can you be afraid of something that’s inevitable?
A lot of photos were taken of us next to milk churns.
I can’t say I was really that surprised when the doctor told me I needed a defibrillator inserted in my chest.
Human nature is to blame for everything, innit? We’re just a disease on this planet.
All my dreams came true. There’s not many people that can say that. I mean, most people have to work in a job they hate all their lives, and I can’t imagine that.
In 1967, I had my first black girlfriend, and a lot more ever since then. I just don’t understand racism.
It’s very much up to you, how you shape your life. I mean, I missed out on human relationships. But looking at relationships that I’ve seen along the way, I don’t think I’ve missed much.
Everyone gets depressed. But what do you do? You just go through it.
I don’t want to advise anyone to do anything, apart from try and stay alive. That’s my advice – don’t die.
As for what other people think of me, I don’t care. I don’t care and never have.