I wasn’t any good at playing tennis.
LEMMYI guess anything in excess is no good for you, even things that are supposed to be healthy.
More Lemmy Quotes
I don’t know, I’ve always written songs that are mainly about attitude, not me personally.
Bomber’ was the first song I wrote about war.
I’ve never met a girl who could stop me looking at all the others. If I did, I’d marry her.
The Beatles are the classical music of rock n’ roll. And rock n’ roll is far more widespread than classical will ever be.
As for what other people think of me, I don’t care. I don’t care and never have.
Just ’cause something’s popular, it can still be good. In fact, if more people are buying it, then you must be doing something right.
Eddie Cochran – I never got to see him live, but he could play. Him and Buddy Holly, they were the best guitarists. They could get a good raunchy beat going.
I’ve always been very wordy; I’ve got a great vocabulary.
Some songs, you just can’t shake; they keep creeping back into your set list.
I don’t want to advise anyone to do anything, apart from try and stay alive. That’s my advice – don’t die.
I was brought up by two women: my mother and my grandmother.
I always wanted to be able to show off like the guitar players do. I think I managed that alright!
Human nature is to blame for everything, innit? We’re just a disease on this planet.
I didn’t really want to be in the lifestyle without the music. And I didn’t want to be in the music without the lifestyle.
I always open doors for women. It’s just good manners.