Bomber’ was the first song I wrote about war.
LEMMYWe’ve made bad albums in the past, and people have bought them. I don’t know. I don’t care. I’m just grateful for it.
More Lemmy Quotes
My father walked out on us when I was three months old, and my mum, well, she wasn’t the driven sort.
I never liked jazz or anything else. Early rock n’ roll – that was music to me. Everything else was boring.
I’m not a poker player; I play slot machines.
I don’t know if love exists, not the kind that keeps.
My persona has given me a certain notoriety, if not international celebrity.
I think love’s an infatuation that turns into a habit, because you can’t keep that passion going. You get used to people, and that’s death for me – I like to be surprised.
Like most housewives, I don’t cook unless I have company.
Got two kids; one’s a record producer who lives just up the road from me – great guitarist and piano player, too.
The hippie era was a wonderful time because we still believed we could make the world a better place.
My advice wouldn’t be good to anybody. I don’t see it really being greeted with thunderous applause.
I was in the Rockin’ Vicars, which was the first British band to tour behind the Iron Curtain.
I don’t miss anything by being a bachelor. I don’t know any happily married couples, not even my parents.
Women always left me because I wouldn’t commit, but then nothing changes a relationship like commitment. If you move in with someone, you lose all respect for them.
Rock n’ roll’s had a good time out of me – and I’ve had a very good time out of rock n’ roll.
The Beatles were from Liverpool. It’s a hard town. The Stones weren’t the hard men. They just dressed up. The Beatles were the hard men.