I dislike religion quite intensely. It’s been the cause of all the grief in the world ever since they discovered the first stone to worship.
LEMMYI never thought it was an option.
More Lemmy Quotes
People don’t know how to be outrageous anymore.
It’s not that I take pride in being unfashionable. It’s just that I’ve gotten used to it.
Elvis inspired my sideburns, but Little Richard inspired me for vocals.
I find it quite easy to play chords, and, you know, that was all I ever did. I never wanted to be a lead guitarist.
I was the kid a lot of other mothers wouldn’t let you play with.
The more you learn about everything, the more you learn that everything’s fixed not in your favour.
I learned that if I had known how much of this Nazi memorabilia there was to collect, I never would have started in the first place. It’s crowding me out of my house.
I can’t say I was really that surprised when the doctor told me I needed a defibrillator inserted in my chest.
I’m not going to die broke, but I’m not rich.
In every kid’s life, there’s about three or four years when you’re at liberty, and after that, you have to get a job because you’re getting married or you have to support your parents or whatever it is.
Everything I hear influences me. I can’t tell you all my influences as a musician.
I’d never have left Hawkwind if I hadn’t been fired.
We’ve made bad albums in the past, and people have bought them. I don’t know. I don’t care. I’m just grateful for it.
I like hard, aggressive music.
All my dreams came true. There’s not many people that can say that. I mean, most people have to work in a job they hate all their lives, and I can’t imagine that.