Women always left me because I wouldn’t commit, but then nothing changes a relationship like commitment. If you move in with someone, you lose all respect for them.
LEMMYThe Beatles were from Liverpool. It’s a hard town. The Stones weren’t the hard men. They just dressed up. The Beatles were the hard men.
More Lemmy Quotes
Just ’cause something’s popular, it can still be good. In fact, if more people are buying it, then you must be doing something right.
In your twenties, you think you are immortal. In your thirties, you hope you are immortal.
People don’t know how to be outrageous anymore.
I don’t like people’s table manners. That really puts you off eating food.
I’ve never met a girl who could stop me looking at all the others. If I did, I’d marry her.
Got two kids; one’s a record producer who lives just up the road from me – great guitarist and piano player, too.
It’s much more fun to be full of hope than pessimism any day of the week.
I always write about war, love, death, and injustice. There’s plenty of that around, so I never run out of ideas.
Rock n’ roll’s had a good time out of me – and I’ve had a very good time out of rock n’ roll.
People look down on stuff that sells. What do you call that? Downward snobbery, I guess.
I listen to everything from Ravel to the Bee Gees.
I don’t know, I’ve always written songs that are mainly about attitude, not me personally.
I wanted to be a farmer; actually, I wanted to be a horse-breeder. And I had the stallions… but then I heard Little Richard, and that was it.
I always wanted to be able to show off like the guitar players do. I think I managed that alright!
I always thought we had more in common with punk than with anything else, but we had long hair, so we didn’t fit in that box.