We was living in squats in Battersea when we started with Motorhead. And we lived with the Hell’s Angels in this flat. They were always around.
LEMMYThe Beatles were from Liverpool. It’s a hard town. The Stones weren’t the hard men. They just dressed up. The Beatles were the hard men.
More Lemmy Quotes
Good manners don’t cost nothing.
I guess anything in excess is no good for you, even things that are supposed to be healthy.
People don’t become better when they’re dead; you just talk about them as if they are.
I was lucky: I didn’t get married, so I didn’t have to have that responsibility.
As for what other people think of me, I don’t care. I don’t care and never have.
Like most housewives, I don’t cook unless I have company.
I’m not going to die broke, but I’m not rich.
Rock n’ roll’s had a good time out of me – and I’ve had a very good time out of rock n’ roll.
I’ve always been alone. I grew up alone. I like it that way. Even when I’m in an arena surrounded by 10,000 people, I’m alone in my head.
I was never going to be a doctor or a lawyer, so being a musician seemed to be the best of what was on offer.
I learned that if I had known how much of this Nazi memorabilia there was to collect, I never would have started in the first place. It’s crowding me out of my house.
I’m not afraid of death. How can you be afraid of something that’s inevitable?
I’d never have left Hawkwind if I hadn’t been fired.
The thing about death is it’s so final, isn’t it, really? As far as we know… Nobody has ever come back and told us about it.
I don’t only collect Nazi stuff; I collect objects from all the Axis countries.