It’s when you get to 60 when everything starts to go pear-shaped. Everyone thinks that becoming an older guy is easy, but you never consider it fully. It comes as quite a shock.
LEMMYIn 1967, I had my first black girlfriend, and a lot more ever since then. I just don’t understand racism.
More Lemmy Quotes
Gay people are made and not born.
I don’t only collect Nazi stuff; I collect objects from all the Axis countries.
I’m not a poker player; I play slot machines.
I guess anything in excess is no good for you, even things that are supposed to be healthy.
Some songs, you just can’t shake; they keep creeping back into your set list.
I make a very good steak.
All my dreams came true. There’s not many people that can say that. I mean, most people have to work in a job they hate all their lives, and I can’t imagine that.
I always wanted to be able to show off like the guitar players do. I think I managed that alright!
I don’t really have the voice for love songs, do I?
The Beatles are the classical music of rock n’ roll. And rock n’ roll is far more widespread than classical will ever be.
Bomber’ was the first song I wrote about war.
I wanted to be a farmer; actually, I wanted to be a horse-breeder. And I had the stallions… but then I heard Little Richard, and that was it.
I’d never have left Hawkwind if I hadn’t been fired.
People look down on stuff that sells. What do you call that? Downward snobbery, I guess.
I hate golf! I still can’t believe Alice Cooper plays golf!