Take [preventive] action before things happen. Establish order before disorder has begun.
LAOZIWhat people loathe the most is to be orphaned, desolate, unworthy. But this is what princes and kings call themselves.
More Laozi Quotes
When people see some things as good, other things become bad.
When pure sincerity forms within, it is outwardly realized in other people’s hearts.
Empty yourself of everything. Let the mind become still. The ten thousand things rise and fall while the Self watches their return. They grow and flourish and then return to the source. Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature.
Softness triumphs over hardness, feebleness over strength. What is more malleable is always superior over that which is immoveable. This is the principle of controlling things by going along with them, of mastery through adaptation.
Make your heart like a lake, with calm, still surface, and great depths of kindness.
Meet the big while it is small.
A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.
He who loves does not dispute: He who disputes does not love.
When you have accomplished your goal simply walk away. This is the path way to Heaven.
. . . the mind is desperate to fix the river {of events} in place: Possessed by ideas of the past, preoccupied with images of the future, it overlooks the plain truth of the moment.
The world’s big things only can be done by paying attention to their humble beginnings.
Those who know are wise. Those who know themselves are enlightened.
Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream.
A scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar.
Mastering others is strength. Mastering oneself makes you fearless.