Keep behind, and you shall be put in front; keep out, and you shall be kept in.
LAOZI…the more you talk of it, the less you understand.
More Laozi Quotes
He that humbles himself shall be preserved entire. He that bends shall be made straight. He that is empty shall be filled. He that is worn out shall be renewed. He who has little shall succeed. He who has much shall go astray.
The ego is entranced by … names and ideas… However names and concepts only block your perception of this Great Oneness. Therefore it is wise to ignore them. Those who live inside their egos are continually bewildered.
Happiness perches on misery. Misery crouches beneath happiness.
When the Way is lost there is virtue. When virtue is lost there is benevolence. When benevolence is lost there is righteousness. When righteousness is lost there are rituals.
Nature is not human hearted.
Be as the still mountain; Move like the great river.
When pure sincerity forms within, it is outwardly realized in other people’s hearts.
He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful.
All men desire to free themselves solely from death; they do not know how to free themselves from life.
The past has no power to stop you from being present now. Only your grievance about the past can do that. What is grievance? The baggage of old thought and emotion.
Loss is not as bad as wanting more.
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
The wise man knows he doesn’t know.
Fail to honor people, they fail to honor you.
Rule your mind with serenity rather than with force and manipulation.