What people loathe the most is to be orphaned, desolate, unworthy. But this is what princes and kings call themselves.
LAOZIIf you can let go of (the Tao) with your mind and surround it with your heart, it will live inside you forever.
More Laozi Quotes
When the intelligent and animal souls are held together in one embrace, they can be kept from separating.
Some lose yet gain, others gain and yet lose
A vessel is formed from a lump of clay with care, however, it is the empty space within the vessel that makes it useful.
The world is ruled by letting things take their course. It cannot be ruled by interfering.
Nature is not human hearted.
Softness triumphs over hardness, feebleness over strength. What is more malleable is always superior over that which is immoveable. This is the principle of controlling things by going along with them, of mastery through adaptation.
The wise man knows without traveling.
I am wearied, as if I lacked a home to go to.
The past has no power to stop you from being present now. Only your grievance about the past can do that. What is grievance? The baggage of old thought and emotion.
When the highest type of people hear Tao (Truth), they diligently practice it. When the average type of people hear Tao, they half believe in it. When the lowest type of people hear Tao, they laugh at it. If they did not laugh, it would not be Tao.
Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment.
The world’s big things only can be done by paying attention to their humble beginnings.
Make the small big and the few many.
Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your heart be at peace. Watch the turmoil of beings, but contemplate their return.
An integral being knows without going, sees without looking, and accomplishes without doing.