As far as creation goes, you just really have to not overthink and just create and be confident. If you think it’s tight, then the world is going to think it’s tight.
KEHLANII’m a healthy eater, but I don’t consider Chick-fil-A fast food.
More Kehlani Quotes
If my eyebrows are cool, if my eyeliner is popping, if I’m moisturized, then I can pretty much wear whatever I want. I think if your hair and your face are together, I think it’s pretty much polished!.
Love is sight, sight is love. Stay where you’re seen, it’s where you’re loved.
Focused on fire. Bringing the heat.
I’m frazzled, but I’m good.
I’m at that point where I was able to make a decision on if it was time to follow my goals that are bigger than music, which is service to the community.
I write most of my songs to beats. I play around on guitar, but not enough to where I can compose my own stuff or play solos. Can accompany myself cause most songs are, like, four chords.
I went from broke and homeless sleeping on couches. I couldn’t even figure out what I was doing in Los Angeles. Now, I’m paying my own bills. I’m about to move my mama in with me at 19. I’m on tour now, and this is all off of one mixtape.
My lyrics are a complete 180 from what they used to be in terms of maturity. And I have a kid, so that changes everything.
Stardom is a crazy thought. If that’s what my path is, then that’s where I’m excited to be headed towards.
It’s funny: I don’t listen to too much rap. I don’t listen to too much older hip-hop. If I do, it’s Ja Rule.
I hang out with the right people, my friends that I’ve had since the beginning. We go to the beach, take walks, paint, see our family – just normal things that people who become famous lose sight of.
I just remember falling in love with the old Chris Brown music, where it was, like, that real R&B, and I love the radio smashes he’s put out since then, but I go back to his older music for that R&B.
My brain kind of works in steps. I have to go through things and then process them and then write about them. I have to understand them first.
Me being so open just helps other people. People feel like they know me so much that they can talk to me all of the time about really personal things. Sometimes it’s really nice and comforting. It depends on the person, whether they’re creepy or not.
My pops passed when I was little. I didn’t have a dad around to tell me certain things. I didn’t have my biological mother.