Sex is biological, but gender is mental.
KEHLANII just remember falling in love with the old Chris Brown music, where it was, like, that real R&B, and I love the radio smashes he’s put out since then, but I go back to his older music for that R&B.
More Kehlani Quotes
I ain’t the passenger I’m the pilot.
Vocally, I’m always listening to Brandy. As a writer, I’m always listening to India Arie and Drake.
It’s funny: I don’t listen to too much rap. I don’t listen to too much older hip-hop. If I do, it’s Ja Rule.
My brain kind of works in steps. I have to go through things and then process them and then write about them. I have to understand them first.
My favorite person that I had been running everything by doesn’t even make music, but he is a genius. It’s Kerby [Jean-Raymond] from Pyer Moss. -Kehlani
I’m a healthy eater, but I don’t consider Chick-fil-A fast food.
New flame, I’m blowin out matches.
Stardom is a crazy thought. If that’s what my path is, then that’s where I’m excited to be headed towards.
I write most of my songs to beats. I play around on guitar, but not enough to where I can compose my own stuff or play solos. Can accompany myself cause most songs are, like, four chords.
There is nothing I would trade in this world for being a mommy.
Make-up sex, as treacherous as it can be, becomes this fun and playful thing versus this really intense thing. To me the song feels playful.
Everybody is on the ‘I’ll cross the bridge when it comes’ conversation. I don’t think anybody truly knows.
Success to me is only two things: happiness and stability.
We can be your distraction.
I’m frazzled, but I’m good.