I’ve burned my own house down, the torch is in my hand.Now I’ll burn down the house of anyone who wants to follow me.
KABIRA diamond was laying in the street covered with dirt. Many fools passed by. Someone who knew diamonds picked it up.
More Kabir Quotes
Be strong then, and enter into your own body; there you have a solid place for your feet. Think about it carefully! Don’t go off somewhere else! just throw away all thoughts of imaginary things, and stand firm in that which you are.
My heart is so intoxicated with love that I have no wish to speak.
The savor of wandering in the ocean of deathless life has rid me of all my asking: As the tree is in the seed, so all diseases are in this asking.
As the river surrenders itself to the ocean, what is inside me moves inside you.
Though One Brahman is the Cause of the Many. Behold but One in all things it is the second that leads you astray.
When the Guest is being searched for, it is the intensity of the longing for the Guest that does all the work. Look at me, and you will see a slave of that intensity.
When the flower opens, the bees will come.
A learned man’s knowledge will be of no avail to him if he doesn’t have control over his tongue.
A diamond was laying in the street covered with dirt. Many fools passed by. Someone who knew diamonds picked it up.
What is found now is found then. If you find nothing now, you will simply end up with an apartment in the City of Death.
Do what you do with another human being, but never put them out of your heart.
The river that flows in you also flows in me.
I sell mirrors in the city of the blind.
I don’t think there is such a thing as an intelligent mega-rich person. For who with a fine mind can look out upon this world and hoard what can nourish a thousand souls.
The instruction of the foolish is a waste of knowledge; soap cannot wash charcoal white.