The Lord is in me, the Lord is in you,as life is in every seed, put false pride away and seek the Lord within.
KABIRForgiveness is a game only saints play Kabir.
More Kabir Quotes
The apple blossom exists to create fruit; when that comes, the petal falls.
Listen to me brother! bring the vision of the Beloved in your heart.
I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty. You wander restlessly from forest to forest while the Reality is within your own dwelling.
Admire the diamond that can bear the hits of a hammer. Many deceptive preachers, when critically examined, turn out to be false.
Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you. The one no one talks of speaks the secret sound to himself, and he is the one who has made it all.
Forgiveness is a game only saints play Kabir.
If you make love with the divine now, in the next life you will have the face of satisfied desire.
Do you believe there is some place that will make thesoul less thirsty? In that great absence you will find nothing.
Be quiet in your mind, quiet in your senses, and also quiet in your body. Then, when all these are quiet, don’t do anything. In that state truth will reveal itself to you.
I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days and God came to me.
Student, tell me, what is God? He is the breath inside the breath.
Go over and over your beads, paint weird designs on your forehead, wear your hear matted, long, and ostentatious, but when deep inside you there is a loaded gun, how can you have God?
Stand firm in that which you are.
The stone neither speaks nor gives anything. Therefore its service is fruitless and its worship is of no avail.
The fish in the water that is thirsty needs serious professional counseling.