One love it is that pervades the whole world, few there are who know it fully: They are blind who hope to see it by the light of reason, that reason which is the cause of separation – The house of reason is very far away!
KABIRWithin the body there is played Music unending, though without stringed instruments That music of the Word pervades the entire creation Who listens to it is freed from all illusion.
More Kabir Quotes
Why are we here? To become ourselves in you.
A learned man’s knowledge will be of no avail to him if he doesn’t have control over his tongue.
There is no river at all, and no boat, and no boatman. There is not even a rope to tow the boat, and no one to pull it. There is no earth, no sky, no time, no thing, no shore, no ford!
All know that the drop merges into the ocean but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.
As long as I talked unceasingly about the Lord,The Lord stayed away, kept at a distance.But when I silenced my mouth, sat very stillAnd fixed my mind at the doorway of the Lord,I was linked to the music of the Word,And all my talking came to an end.
Do you believe there is some place that will make thesoul less thirsty? In that great absence you will find nothing.
The Lord is in me, the Lord is in you,as life is in every seed, put false pride away and seek the Lord within.
When you feel most alive, find out why, This is one guest you won’t greet twice.
Listen to your own Self. If you listen to that Self within, then you find the Truth.
Be quiet in your mind, quiet in your senses, and also quiet in your body. Then, when all these are quiet, don’t do anything. In that state truth will reveal itself to you.
There’s a moon in my body, but I can’t see it! A moon and a sun. A drum never touched by hands, beating, and I can’t hear it!
I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days and God came to me.
If you don’t break your ropes while you’re alive, do you think ghosts will do it after?
It is the spirit of the quest which helps.
When the flower opens, the bees will come.