The flute of the infinite is played without ceasing, and its sound is love.
KABIRAs the river surrenders itself to the ocean, what is inside me moves inside you.
More Kabir Quotes
Many have died; you also will die. The drum of death is being beaten. The world has fallen in love with a dream. Only sayings of the wise will remain.
Do not praise yourself not slander others: There are still many days to go and any thing could happen.
Men have always looked before and after, and rebelled against the existing order. But for their divine discontent, men would not have been men, and there would have been no progress in human affairs.
Stand firm in that which you are.
The river that flows in you also flows in me.
Plunge into the truth, find out who the Teacher is, Believe in the Great Sound!
A learned man’s knowledge will be of no avail to him if he doesn’t have control over his tongue.
I’ve burned my own house down, the torch is in my hand.Now I’ll burn down the house of anyone who wants to follow me.
The external forces conceal from the eyes the deep meaning of existence; True faith resides in the heart.
All darkness vanished, when I saw the Lamp within my heart.
Take a pitcher full of water and set it down in the water-now it has water inside and water outside. We mustn’t give it a name, lest silly people start talking again about the body and the soul.
Go over and over your beads, paint weird designs on your forehead, wear your hear matted, long, and ostentatious, but when deep inside you there is a loaded gun, how can you have God?
Seeking Why run around sprinkling holy water? There’s an ocean inside you, and when you’re ready you’ll drink.
Nada is found within. It is a music without strings which plays in the body. It penetrates the inner and outer and leads you away from illusion.
Path presupposes distance; If He be near, no path needest thou at all. Verily it maketh me smile To hear of a fish in water athirst!