Plunge into the truth, find out who the Teacher is, Believe in the Great Sound!
KABIRStand firm in that which you are.
More Kabir Quotes
Forgiveness is a game only saints play Kabir.
Why are we here? To become ourselves in you.
Listen to your own Self. If you listen to that Self within, then you find the Truth.
Now I have no caste, no creed, I am no more what I am!
If you want the truth, I’ll tell you the truth. Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you.
Are you looking for the Holy One? I am in the next seat. My shoulder is against yours.
One love it is that pervades the whole world, few there are who know it fully: They are blind who hope to see it by the light of reason, that reason which is the cause of separation – The house of reason is very far away!
The essence of life is in remembering God.
If it were possible to meet the Beloved while laughing and in a state of comfort, why should one suffer the anguish of separation?
Lift the veil that obscures the heart, and there you will find what you are looking for.
Admire the diamond that can bear the hits of a hammer. Many deceptive preachers, when critically examined, turn out to be false.
I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty. You wander restlessly from forest to forest while the Reality is within your own dwelling.
Be strong then, and enter into your own body; there you have a solid place for your feet.
Don’t open your diamonds in a vegetable market. Tie them in bundle and keep them in your heart, and go your own way.
Take a pitcher full of water and set it down in the water-now it has water inside and water outside. We mustn’t give it a name, lest silly people start talking again about the body and the soul.